Attendance Information

Information Regarding Attendance

We have had a few situations arise with attendance that we wanted to offer some clarity around for families. 

  • When students are marked as “unexcused” or “excused” they should NOT be present in the building.  This is an important safety concern for us, as students need to be accounted for and in an emergency situation students not listed as “present” could be missed.  The office has lists to refer to in emergency situations for students who have spare periods. 
  • The expectation for students is to be present in the class they have during that scheduled time.  If other arrangements such as working in an alternate location with another teacher need to be arranged, that should take place between the teacher who is responsible for the student and the teacher receiving the student.  Parents can communicate with their Student Services Teacher if there is a need for additional time, but that is to happen when it is appropriate, determined by the SST and the Teacher.
  • During special events at school, please do not “excuse” students to watch the event.  We do not have the capacity at these events to have every student come and watch.  We fill the space we have with spectators from the classes that are displaced for the events.